As we step into 2024, we can’t help but look back on 2023 and be inspired by all that the Serve the City community achieved in 12 months. It was a year of ups and downs, but what truly stands out is that it was a year of growth. The needs in our city have grown, but so has our volunteer community. Every day of the year, Serve the City volunteers were busy making their city a better, kinder place.
Here are some of the many achievements in numbers:

As you can see, many people came together to achieve all this. To give an idea of the scale of what was done, we would be able to fill the Koning Boudewijn Stadium 4 times with the number of meals that were prepared.

None of this would have been possible without our amazing volunteers and donors. Together you made a difference in the city. You brought people warmth, a smile, and moments of comfort. You showed the beneficiaries that there are people who care, and that can never be taken away. We hope to continue to make an impact in 2024. Remember, many people doing small things together makes a difference.
If you have any highlights you would like to share with us, please send an email to