Winter Care Bags Collection

Before we know, temperatures will drop, and it will be time to turn the thermostat back on, the wool sweaters and what not. But what if you live on the street? There is no thermostat, no suitcase in the attic full of winter clothes.

This is why, in partnership with Z Zurich Foundation*, we organise a collection of Winter Care Bags.

Each Winter Care Bag contains the following:

  • A beanie (3,00 € at Decathlon)
  • A loop scarf (3,00 € at Decathlon)
  • A pair of gloves (4,00 € at Decathlon)
  • A pair of socks (we already have 2,000 pairs of socks)

You can contribute to this collection either by preparing and bringing Winter Care Bags to our office (from September 4th), or by sponsoring one or multiple bags through the form below.

* Z Zurich Foundation will donate 20 € per collected bag towards Serve the City Belgium and its activities. If we collect 500 bags or more, Z Zurich Foundation will donate 30 € per collected bag. By helping us collecting those essential items, you are also helping Serve the City to further develop its actions and impact.

In partnership with the

Our target? 2,000 Winter Care Bags

Sponsored Care Bags 2,168
Goal 2,000

You give, you get back!

Serve the City is a non-profit organisation recognised by the Belgian government. So, if you pay taxes in Belgium, you are eligible for a tax deduction of 45% of your donations during the fiscal year.

In other words if you donate €120 over a year, you get back €54 in taxes. Meaning it only really costs you €66!

In order to properly inform the Ministry of Finances about your donation, we will need your Belgian National Register number (usually available on your ID card). You can write it on the donation form, or send it by email to

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