Hoe kan ik helpen?

Je kan kiezen voor onze Wekelijkse Serving Opportunities, One-on-One projekten, Maandelijkse Events of the Big Volunteer Week.

Voor onze Wekelijkse Serving Opportunities kan je gewoon een e-mail te sturen naar de projectleider die je terugvindt op de website. Voor onze Maandelijkse Events en the Big Volunteer Week kan je je een paar weken voor het event online aanmelden.

Als ik mij aanmeld voor een wekelijks project dat op verschillende dagen per week doorgaat, moet ik dan ook op alle dagen aanwezig zijn?

Je kan de dag(en) kiezen die het best in jouw planning passen.

Kan ik projectleider worden?

Ja! We organiseren een aantal keer per jaar een training om projectleider te worden. Onze volgende trainingen vinden plaats op 25 februari, 6 mei en 4 november

Welke taal moet ik spreken om deel te kunnen nemen aan het vrijwilligerswerk?

English is enough for most projects, however knowledge of French and/or Dutch is often a bonus. However, certain projects that work with children or the elderly or in education require a certain level of French or Dutch. When it is the case, the project page indicates it.

Zijn er in mijn buurt projecten waar ik aan kan deelnemen?

Onze projecten zijn over heel Brussel verspreid. De wijken waar we vooral zitten zijn: de Marollen, Schaarbeek, Sint-Katelijne (Sainte-Catherine), Elsene, Etterbeek, Sint-Gillis, Anderlecht en Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe.


Als je jonger bent dan 18 jaar moet je begeleid worden door een volwassene/voogd om deel te nemen aan Serve the City-projecten.

  • Ouders/wettelijke voogden kunnen met hun kinderen meekomen (maar zijn volledig verantwoordelijk voor hun verzorging).
  • Als de ouders/wettelijke voogden hun kinderen niet kunnen vergezellen, kunnen maximaal 2 tieners van 15 jaar of ouder begeleid worden door een volwassene van minstens 21 jaar oud met schriftelijke toestemming van de wettelijke voogden.
What if I don’t have any volunteering experience?

Here at Serve The City, we welcome first-time volunteers, as there is no better time to start than right now.

Do you need to know another language (French/Dutch) to participate in projects?

It is always an asset to be able to speak multiple languages, however, it’s not essential for many of our projects.  There are some projects that do require other language proficiency, so please check out our website for specific project requirements.

What if I have limited availability to volunteer, can I still help?

Yes, we welcome everyone who wants to serve to be involved in our projects.  We have lots of different projects to choose from, mornings, during the day, evenings and even weekends.  So please feel free to attend one of our information sessions and our Project Leader will be able to provide you with information on projects that suit your schedule.

Is Serve the City a religious organisation?

Serve the City was founded on the ethos of ‘serving like Jesus’, however, is not a religious organization.  Our projects are open to people from all different backgrounds and faiths and we welcome everyone to participate in our projects.

I would really like to use my professional skills to serve, (nursing, hairdressing, teacher), is this possible?

Definitely, we really encourage people to use their natural giftings and talents to serve with us.  When you attend an information session, please tell the Project Leader what skills you have and your interests and we will be able to match you up to any relevant projects.

Once I have attended an information session, how long do I wait to hear from my Project Leader?

We recommend that you allow 1-2 weeks to hear back from your new Project Leader.  If you have not heard from them by this time, please email us at hello@servethecity.be to let us know.

I am under 18 years of age, am I able to participate?

If you are under 18 years of age you will need to be accompanied by an adult/guardian to participate in Serve the City projects.

  • Parents/legal guardians can come with their children (but are fully responsible of their care)
  • In the case the parents/legal guardians cannot accompany their children, up to 2 teenagers of 15 of age (or more) can be accompanied by an adult of at least 21 years old with the written authorisation of the legal guardians.
Are the weekly projects child-friendly?

If you would like to bring your children along to participate in volunteering, we recommend that you attend a Big Volunteer Day, this is held once a month on a Saturday afternoon.  It is recommended not to bring children along to weekly projects.

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